Signs – Our personas

We have worked on our brand platform by persona so that partners and network heads can easily identify themselves and engage in their community.
The needs are not the same and therefore at Progressium, the operators are different:

Young shoots in networks

These are the “baby” brands with fewer than 10 locations that are launching

Rising stars in networks

They have less than 50 locations and have very large development potential.

Essential in networks

They have more than 50 locations and are already well structured and want to accelerate with partners

Buy Out

This brand aims to help networks sell their partners’ stores, restaurants or agencies


Aims to target the most profitable brands on the market


Aims to support partners in the event of failure of an implementation

Do you want to become a Franchisor?

Votre demande concerne :
Comment nous avez-vous connu ?
*Le terme franchise est un terme générique, regroupant toutes les formes de commerce organisé : franchise, licence, concession, partenariat, coopérative…

Juste avant de partir

Nous avons voulu que notre site soit moderne, pédagogique et simple,
qu’en pensez-vous ?
