Our values


Assume and defend field experience as the best guarantee of excellent support.

At Progressium, we build our expertise above all on our experience.
We do not give up on the fact that network development must be experienced in order to be transmitted effectively. All our experts, partners and consultants have practiced organized commerce in order to be able to master the issues and draw from it the most pragmatic and efficient advice, tools and methods for excellent, factual and results-oriented support. Our teams constantly learn from the field through regular contact with all those who have chosen to trust us. If we know how to take the time for strategic analysis, we transform the test and translate concepts and visions into concrete actions and figures to serve the development and sustainability of our clients.


Keep up with the pace and constantly adapt for development that is a source of emulation and performance.

Developing in a network means knowing how to change tempo. Taking a step back to accelerate even more to the rhythm of our customers’ development and market opportunities.
Energetic and enterprising, our teams are accessible, responsive and agile in order to best meet all their requirements. Whatever the sector of activity, the stage or the development problem, they challenge themselves and constantly bounce back. Changing approach, adapting tools, methodologies, mobilizing the most relevant contacts to provide personalized and adequate responses, this is our way of being in phase with the growth dynamics and the ambition to grow and evolve of our customers. It is our way of surpassing ourselves .


Create and support a virtuous ecosystem of experts that allows everyone to achieve their goals.

Being a network development specialist means believing in the virtue of the collective . At Progressium, our team is our greatest strength. Collaborators, consultants, business providers, we create and lead a complete ecosystem, complementary and virtuous experts able to respond, collectively to all the problems of our clients, whom we consider as partners . We seek a long-term and sustainable balance, winning for all parties .
We weave fluid and spontaneous bonds of trust based on sharing, integrity , mutual aid, transmission which arouse the reciprocal commitment of all in the service of our overall efficiency .


Think long term and work out of conviction to give meaning to our actions.

If we have chosen network development, it is more out of conviction than opportunity. At the heart of our DNA, a shared belief in the merits of this model, a modern form of entrepreneurship where shared responsibility and risk allow everyone to get started and find their account . Developing in a network to create and grow a large number of companies means bringing our territories to life, creating jobs, making entrepreneurship accessible, promoting autonomy,  fulfillment, and the development of skills for everyone. This is our mission in the service of healthy economic development, in an era where the creation of economic and intellectual value is more equitably distributed for the well-being of all.

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*Le terme franchise est un terme générique, regroupant toutes les formes de commerce organisé : franchise, licence, concession, partenariat, coopérative…

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