Boost your communication

Manage your franchise marketing and communications

Your communication is focused on the concept but you are unable to reach your target franchise candidates? Is your marketing not always well adapted to the development of the franchise? With Progressium’s experts specialized in press relations, marketing and franchise communication, you can outsource your franchise communication and have marketing tools to boost your network.

Communication franchise

Development marketing, franchise communication strategy, management of the franchise communication plan.

Brand Identity

Name, mission, values, vision, personality, territory, tone, logo, graphic charter

Content Strategy

Editorial strategy, content production, planning, community management, web writing

Graphic design

Artistic direction, creation of all print or web media, execution


Creation and redesign of website, newsletter, landing page, UX/UI design

Web marketing

Paid referencing, social media advertising campaigns, lead nurturing

Press relations

Media and influencer relations strategy, influence, media training, e-reputation


Organization of your network's events, presence of a manager during your event

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