
Financing a franchise project is a crucial step for any entrepreneur wishing to develop their concept and secure their investment. This article guides you through the different solutions for obtaining financing, the importance of using a broker specializing in business financing, and the unique advantages offered by Progressium Financement.

Why use a financing broker?

Using a broker is a smart strategy to secure financing for your franchise project. Here’s why:

  • Expertise and Personalized Advice: A broker has in-depth knowledge of the market and the different forms of possible financing. He helps you develop an optimized financing plan and choose the solutions best suited to your project.
  • Time Saving: By entrusting the search for financing to an expert, you save valuable time that you can devote to developing your franchise concept.
  • Competitive Bidding: The broker puts financial offers into competition to obtain the best loan conditions for you, thereby reducing the overall cost of financing.

Progressium Financement offers specialized services to secure and develop franchise projects, both for franchisors and franchisees.

Progressium Financing Services for Franchisors

We support franchisors to secure the franchise creation project. This includes:

  • Costs related to the Creation of the Franchise:
    The financeable costs include consulting, communication and development costs. These essential elements are taken into account to ensure a successful launch.
    The main objective of Progressium Financing is to allow the manager to have the necessary cash to launch his franchise concept with peace of mind.
  • Referencing with Banking Franchise Centers:
    Presenting the brand to bank franchise centers helps to raise awareness of the concept and facilitates obtaining future financing.
  • Securing the Development of the Brand:
    By ensuring better knowledge of the franchisor, its concept, and its economic profitability, Progressium Financement accelerates the banking decision-making process and improves the assessment of files.

Progressium Financing Services for Franchisees

Franchisees also benefit from tailored support to optimize their financing. The services offered include:

  • Financing Plan Optimization:
    The financing plan is optimized by seeking sources of financing external to banking offers, which allows banks to minimize their risks and thus obtain financing agreements under more advantageous conditions.
  • Support for Obtaining Financing:
    We support franchisees in all the steps necessary to obtain financing, from preparing the file to negotiating with banks.

This translates into a series of concrete actions:

  • Financial Validation of Candidates in Advance
  • Analysis of Chances of Success
  • Banking Support
  • Securing opening projects

The future franchisee is supported in all their banking procedures, ensuring rigorous monitoring and control of financing search deadlines.

Financing a franchise project can seem complex, but with the specialized services of Progressium Financement, this process becomes more accessible and secure.

By optimizing financing plans, putting banking offers in competition, and ensuring prior validation of candidates, Progressium Financement allows franchisors to develop their network with peace of mind and franchisees to benefit from comprehensive support enabling them to ensure their opening.

Financing a franchise project is a crucial step for any entrepreneur wishing to develop their concept and secure their investment. This article guides you through the different solutions for obtaining financing, the importance of using a broker specializing in business financing, and the unique advantages offered by Progressium Financement.

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